Oddworld abes oddysee free download pc
From the ledge, jump down and disarm the bomb and then jump back to the left-hand ledge, making sure you trip the sensors. You will now be able to pull the lever and go right, where you'll have to trick a slog into blowing itself up. Now it's back to familiar territory Back at Rupture Farms you should remember the layout from before. There are loads more mudokons to rescue and you'll need to use skills you've acquired elsewhere to succeed. Use grenades and special powers wherever possible, and don't forget there are save points everywhere.
Handy tip: sligs can command slogs. Take far-right door to get to Zulag 2. Sneak up to the ledge above the entrance and take over the slig. Go left and copy the security prompt to open the door. Kill the slig and take Abe up in the lift. Go right until you get to the lever.
Pull it and jump down quickly. Jump back up when the slig falls down so you can take him over. Open the security beams, kill the approaching guard then explode. Take all three mudokons to the portal and send all three through at the same time - this will activate the ultimate power in the universe sort of. Now take the lift up and pull the lever. Go right and chant. Take over the slig that enters, and then run right and kill the last slig. Take over the slig and order the slog to follow you right.
Get the slog to kill the other slig, and then shoot it and explode. Go right and get the sleeping guard to follow you left where you can take him over. Go right and kill the pack of slogs before exploding. Now just free the two mudokons. Go right and leap over the mines and creep into the next screen. Go right and up to the next level. Go left and plant a grenade on the trapdoor, then pull the lever to kill the slig.
Go down and pull the lever, then go right and take the lift up. Dispatch the slig with a well-placed grenade, pull the lever and go back and destroy the first two mines before rescuing the mudokons. Creep left and wake the guard, then run right and jump up to the platform. Possess the slig and get the slog to follow you right.
Tell the slog to kill the guard, the kill it. Now get Abe to pull the lever. You can now take the lift up. Creep right past the sligs and hoist up to the upper platform. Take over the sleeping guard and go left.
Pull the lever to drop the sligs down so you can kill them. Once they're all disposed of, get Abe to go up and get the mudokon to stand over the trapdoor. Go back down and summon the exit portal. Go through the door. Get some grenades, go down and get yourself a slig. After a small bloodbath and a few more possessions you should come to a security door. Once through, run right to dispatch the last slig before he kills the last two mudokons. Go right, past the sleeping slig and climb up to the higher platform.
Kill the slig with a grenade and go right. To destroy the guardian you have to hold down the 'throw' key for a count of five before launching your grenade at it. Now take over the slig and pull the lever. Explode it then go down to the bottom, carefully avoiding the falling carcasses. If you go right you'll find two mudokons to save. Go left and take over the two sligs and kill them. Go left again and pull the lever twice to take the lift and the slig to the top. If you pull the lever again the slig will hopefully fall to its death.
You should now be able to get four mudokons to the portal at the same time - and make sure you do, because you're going to need your scars activated for the next bit. Face left and throw a grenade against the wall to destroy the first mine. Next, jump on the centre platform and walk off it to the right, and throw a grenade up to destroy the other mine. Pull the lever and make your way to the righthand screen.
Chant to destroy everything, then pull the lever and free the mudokon. Go right and kill the sleeping guard with a grenade. Go up and pull the lever and make your way to the exit Go right and grab the slig's atte- tion, then left and up to the platform.
Possess the slig, go right and kill. Take the lift down. Go right. Kill, then explode. Controlling Abe, go down to where the first mudokon is and take over the slig guarding him. Explode, then free the mudokon. Go right and kill the sleeping slig with a grenade. Pull the lever and free the other mudokon. Go right and kill the other slig with another well-timed bomb, then go through the door. Go left and kill the slig by hiding in the pipe and throwing a grenade. Cautiously make your way to the top platform, pull the lever and go through the door.
Go right and take over the slig. Pull the lever and quickly turn around - there'll be loads of slogs out for blood. Go left and pull the other lever. You don't have to worry too much about killing all the slogs here. Take Abe right and kill the slig before touching the sign marked 'Do not touch'. The final leg, and it's another one that requires patience and practice. You only have two minutes, but don't rush -time your movements well.
Oh, and by the way, you'll have to save the solitary mudokon, but you should have plenty of time to do it in. Once in the boardroom, let rip with your special power and pull the lever.
Let's hope you've saved enough mudokons, otherwise it's back to the beginning. It's been a long time since I've played one like this. Of course, that oversimplifies Abe's Oddysee by leaps and bounds. Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee not only has a weird name, it also is a weird game which rhymes consequently. But it's not weird in a bad way by any means, it's weird in an ingenious, very original way. The graphics are incredible and look like hours of painstaking detail went into every one.
In fact, everything about this game from an aesthetic and gameplay standpoint is flawless. The sound fits the game Perfectly-Abe's voice and sounds he can make not only played a necessary part in the game, it also made me chuckle how many characters can you make fart? The story line was an interesting one and drew me into it. All of the characters friends and foes alike were imaginative and flawlessly animated. I'd say the one drawback to Abe's Oddysee is that after a while, it becomes a task of memorization.
Luckily there are some additions to help the replay value like saving members of your fellow Mudokans. A sick, twisted game that deserves exposure! I didn't expect Abe's Oddysee to be this much fun. I also didn't expect it to be this hard. It's funny, addictive, beautiful! The similarities between this game and Flashback are obvious both have great animation, cool environments, etc.
Luckily, you get unlimited lives, and after each death you usually reappear pretty close to where you died, so the game never gets too frustrating.
The game is already a classic as the first version was launched back in If you still don't know it, here are some of the things you'll find in Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee :. You're going to need lots of patience because Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee is definitely not an easy game.
That's why you'll be glued to your computer from the very first moment, having plenty of fun, despite being almost twenty years old. Planet Oddworld and all of its inhabitants rely on him Vote 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Welcome Back!
Login to your account below. Forgotten Password? Sign Up. Create New Account! Fill the forms below to register. All fields are required. Log In. Retrieve your password Please enter your username or email address to reset your password. As might be intuited by the very name of the game, Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee expresses the intent of the designers to create something a little bit different than the normal run of side scrolling epics.
For anyone who thought that there wasn't anything new to add to this type of game, think again. The GT Interactive designers have thrown convention to the wind and thrust upon the unsuspecting gaming world an enormously innovative, exciting, dare-to-be-different extravaganza that should act as a basis for rethinking future side scrolling designs.
The story is unbelievably involved for this type of game and once you get into it just a little way, you'll be hooked. The game doesn't depend on accumulating points to win what!?! This is one deep continuous struggle by an oppressed slave who didn't realize he was oppressed until he overheard the gruesome plan that spelled out doom for him and his whole race of Mudokons to save himself and other sometimes unbelieving fellow beings.
Make no mistake, Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee is tough despite it's cute and somewhat bizarre characters and environment. The controls are fairly easy to learn as Abe can do over a dozen actions such as run, sneak, throw, jump, crouch, hop, roll, hoist, walk, mount, chant and use GameSpeak. This latter ability, Abe's Mudokon language, consists of direction giving and rude noises.