How to keep accent mark when downloading as pdf
In this two-syllable word, the penultimate syllable is also the first syllable, of course. It has a written accent over the second vowel, indicating that the speaker should move the stress from the first syllable to the second. La carne , pronounced CAR-neh, though, is meat or flesh — super different! The accent mark means that these words look only a bit different on the page, but when spoken, they sound quite distinct. Interestingly, there are many words whose pronunciation in Spanish is unaffected by the presence or absence of an accent mark.
Some common examples are outlined in the table below. This is the easiest way to type Spanish accent marks. To use KeyCaps to type Spanish accent marks, click on the little Apple logo on the top left side of your screen.
Next, open KeyCaps. A little keyboard will appear on the screen. Hold down the Option key until a series of accent marks appears. For iPhone, Android, and tablet keyboards, hold down any letter, and tons of accent options will appear with cool non-Spanish accents, as well. There are two options for typing accent marks in a Linux operating system: Character Palette and Compose Key. To use the Compose Key, you have to first designate an unused key as the Compose Key by following this click sequence:.
Once the key is designated, hold down your Compose Key, followed by the letter and the accent mark, to place the symbol. Another option for typing Spanish accents on Windows and Mac is to add an alternate keyboard layout. Reconfiguring your keyboard to the Spanish keyboard can lead to confusion because some keys are moved around and labeled differently.
Here are the instructions for enabling your new Spanish keyboard on Mac and Windows operating systems:. Press on the flag to reveal and switch between your saved keyboards. At what time are they coming? A la una. At A las tres y cuarto. Because a Spanish word may have many applications depending on its usage for example, as a noun or as an adjective in the sentence. El muchacho es amable. Quiero ir a casa. Quisiera ver ese libro. Admiro su coraje.
Unlike English nouns, all Spanish nouns have a gender: mas- culine or feminine. All words you use to qualify or describe a noun must agree with the noun with respect to gender.
We discuss this in more detail in Chapter 2. Te veo. They include me, te, le, nos, os in Spain , and les: He wrote to me. Acting with verbs A verb is a part of speech that shows an action or a state of being.
Infinitives in Spanish have three differ- ent endings, and you conjugate them according to these end- ings -ar, -er, and -ir when a subject is present or is implied.
We give you lots more information about verbs in Chapters 3, 6, 7, and 8. Describing with adjectives An adjective is a part of speech that describes a noun: The house is white.
La casa es blanca. Es mi libro. Su abuela es muy vieja. Ellos comen demasiado despacio. Joining with prepositions Prepositions are words used before nouns or pronouns to relate them to other words in the sentence.
Necesito esa hoja de papel. Ella estudia con sus amigas. In Spanish, however, a noun has a gender, and the gender of a noun very often deter- mines the spelling of other words in the sentence. In this chapter, we help you to correctly mark the gender of a noun by using definite articles which express the , indefinite articles which express a, an, or some , or demonstrative adjectives which express this, that, these, or those.
You can also read up on two different ways to show possession of things and how to replace direct and indirect object nouns with their respective pronouns. Identifying the definite articles Spanish features four distinct definite articles that correspond to the in English.
The following table lists these articles: Masculine Feminine Singular el la Plural los las Here are some examples of these definitive articles in action: El muchacho es grande. The boy is big. Los libros son interesantes. The books are interesting. La muchacha es alta. The girl is tall. Las casas son blancas. The houses are white. Using definite articles You come across many instances in Spanish where you use the definite article even though you may or may not use it in English.
Love is divine. I like Spanish. Write to me in Spanish. My feet hurt. Rivera is here. Have a seat, Mrs. Today is Wednesday. We visited Brazil. Capitalized articles are actually parts of the names of the countries, whereas articles in lowercase are not. I was born in El Salvador but I spent many years in Argentina. The Orinoco is a river. The definite article precedes the noun it modifies and agrees with that noun in number and gender. For example, El mucha- cho es rubio y las muchachas son morenas.
The boy is blond and the girls are brunette. Madrid, the capital of Spain, is a popular city. The only exception to the rule is when the definite article is part of the title or name. Here are some examples of this construction: Voy al Uruguay. Voy a El Salvador. Soy del Uruguay. Soy de El Salvador. Just like with definite arti- cles, when you know whether a noun is masculine or feminine and singular or plural , you can choose the correct indefinite article to mark that noun.
Identifying the indefinite articles Four Spanish indefinite articles correspond to a, an, and one in the singular and to some in the plural. She bought an [one] overcoat. Es una mujer muy astuta. She is a very astute woman.
Necesito unos limones y unas limas. I need some lemons and some limes. As with definite articles, the indefinite article precedes the noun it modifies and agrees with that noun in number and gender.
Robles is a teacher. Robles is a liberal teacher. We do so by specifically referring to this, that, these, or those things or people. In Spanish, you select the demonstrative adjective according to the distance of the noun from the speaker.
Table presents demonstrative adjectives and addresses this distance issue. These pants are short and this shirt is large. I have to speak to that girl and those boys there. Those countries are large and those cities are small. Nouns that refer to males are always masculine, and nouns that refer to females are feminine, no matter their endings. For instance, nouns that end in -o except la mano [the hand] and la radio [the radio] often are masculine.
These nouns may be referred to as reverse-gender nouns. Using the same noun for both genders Some nouns have the same spelling for both genders. For these nouns, all you have to do is change the definite article to reflect whether the person in question is male or female. A noun in this category can mean one thing in the masculine form but have a totally different meaning in the feminine form.
Knowing the proper usage is the difference between pray- ing to the Pope or to a potato! You simply must memorize nouns in this category. And if the mascu- line noun has an accented final syllable, you drop that accent in the feminine form. In the plural, you use las unas for these nouns. Here are some commonly used words with this designation: el agua the water ; las aguas the waters el ave the bird ; las aves the birds el hambre the hunger ; las hambres the hungers Forming Plural Nouns You use noun plurals to refer to more than one person, place, thing, quality, idea, or action.
Not surprisingly, just as you do in English, you use the letters -s and -es to form the plurals of Spanish nouns. You have several ways to express possession in Spanish: by using the preposition de of or by using possessive adjectives before the persons or things.
The sections that follow guide you through the ways you can stake your claims. Using de Expressing possession by using the preposition de of is quite unlike what people are accustomed to in English. Spanish nouns have no apostrophe s; you must use a reverse word order joined by the preposition de.
Whose idea is it? Es la idea de Julia y del hermano de Julia. Possessive adjectives must agree in gender and number singular or plural with the objects that are possessed; they never agree with the possessors. I lost my glasses.
Nosotros escuchamos a nuestro profesor. We listen to our teacher. Necesito su ayuda. I brush my teeth twice a day. The following sections walk you through the world of object pronouns.
A direct object pronoun simply replaces a direct object noun and agrees with it in number and gender. In both English and Spanish, a direct object noun follows the subject and its verb: Veo la casa. I see the house. Unlike in English, however, you usually place a Spanish direct object pronoun before the conjugated verb: La veo.
I see it. Table lists the direct object pronouns in Spanish. He understands me. Do you see us? The newspapers? I read them every day. People often use le rather than lo in Spain to express you masculine or him. Lo is used as a direct object pronoun in Spanish America.
The plural of lo and le is los, which means them or you. I watch the child. Lo [Le] cuido. I watch him. I watch the children. Los [Les] cuido. I watch them. I watch the program. Lo miro. I watch it. I watch the programs. Los miro. Understanding the personal a In Spanish, the personal a conveys absolutely no meaning and is used only before a direct object noun not before a direct object pronoun or any indirect objects to indicate that it refers to a person or a beloved pet.
She tamed Fido. I have two brothers. The indirect object pronoun never agrees in gender with the noun to which it refers. And just like with direct object pronouns, indirect object pronouns generally are placed before the conjugated verb.
For example: Le escribo un e-mail. Le escribo a Gloria un e-mail. Table presents the indirect object pronouns in Spanish. Are you telling me the truth? La mujer nos ofrece un refresco. The lady offers us a drink. Les doy un abrazo. I give them a hug. A clue that may indicate that you need an indirect object pro- noun is the use of the preposition a al, a la, a los, or a las , which means to or for unlike the personal a, which has no meaning — see the preceding section , followed by the name of or reference to a person.
I write to Rosa. Yo le escribo. I write to her. She speaks to the boy. Ella le habla. She speaks to him. Ella le habla a Juan. She speaks to Juan. Although you may use the prepositions to and for in English, you omit these prepositions in Spanish sentences before an indirect object pronoun: Te compro un regalo. Me escriben. They are writing to me; they are writing me.
Choosing the proper pronoun Sometimes people get confused when trying to figure out whether to use a direct object pronoun or an indirect object pronoun.
He respects me. Me dice un secreto. He tells me a secret. She visits us. Nos trae flores. She brings us flowers. I want to show [to] you this photo. The following sections give you some more insider tips that can help you decide between direct and indirect object pro- nouns. Common Spanish verbs requiring a direct object Verbs that require an indirect object in English may require a direct object in Spanish because to or for is included in the meaning of the infinitive.
We are waiting for our friends. Nosotros los esperamos. We are waiting for them. The verbs that follow take indirect objects in Spanish, regardless of the object used in English. I advise you to practice more. Ella le pide disculpa a su amiga. She asks her friend for an apology. Doing an about face with gustar Verbs like gustar require special attention because although you can say I like in English, in Spanish you have to say that something is pleasing to you. Note how the English and Spanish sentences convey the same meaning but are expressed in a totally different fashion: English: I like chocolate.
Spanish: Chocolate is pleasing to me. Do you like sports? Literally: Are sports pleasing to you? Nos interesa viajar. We are interested in traveling. Literally: Traveling is interesting to us.
You use the third-person singular form of any verb from the previous list with one or more infinitives: Me gusta cantar. I like to sing. Me gusta cantar y bailar. I like to sing and dance. It seems clear to me.
The girls like ice cream. Positioning object pronouns How do you decide where to place a direct or indirect object pronoun in a Spanish sentence? Generally, you place these pronouns before the conjugated verb: Nosotros los necesitamos. We need them. Siempre les cuentas chistes.
You always tell them jokes. The following list provides some examples of this construction. When you attach the pronoun to the participle, an accent is required on the stressed vowel.
In general, to correctly place the accent, you count back three vowels and add the accent. Also, remember that negatives go before the pronoun when it precedes the verb.
No Quiero hacerlo. In a negative command, the object pronoun precedes the verb. In an affirmative command, however, the object pro- noun must follow the verb and be attached to it for more on commands, refer to Chapter 8.
The stressed vowel normally requires an accent mark if there are only two vowels, no accent is necessary.
To properly place the accent, count back three vowels and add it. Prepare it. Do it. Now take a look at the negatives: No la prepare. No lo hagas. She shows us the magazines. Ella nos las muestra. She shows them to us. We give you the ticket. Nosotros te lo damos.
We give it to you. He reads the magazines to his grandparents. He reads them to them. Tell it to me. Negative: No me lo diga. Negative: No me lo digas. We are buying it for them. Show it to me. Bring them to us. However, you also find out that some verbs walk to the beat of a differ- ent drummer; for these verbs, you have to memorize their patterns or irregularities. In this chapter, you form the present and present progressive tenses with many types of verbs that enable you to talk and write about events and situations that occur now.
We also give you information on using Spanish subject pronouns. You encounter three types of stem-changing verbs, classified according to their stem changes: e to i, e to ie, and o to ue. The changes enable the verbs to comply with pronuncia- tion rules of the particular letters. The affected conso- nants are c, g, and z. Selecting Subject Pronouns A subject pronoun is a word used in place of a subject noun. This pronoun identifies who or what is performing the action of the verb.
I, we, you, he, she, it, and they are the English subject pro- nouns. They tell the verb who or what is performing the action, and they dictate the form of the verb you must use. In English, he shops, but they shop. You always write the abbreviations Ud. Here are some examples: Yo me voy. Eduardo y yo salimos. Edward and I are going out. Are you looking for something?
Ustedes necesitan ayuda? Do you need help? You use Ud. Are you Spanish? Likewise, although ustedes is usually abbreviated Uds. Vosotros vosotras versus Uds. Vosotros and vosotras are informal familiar plural subject pronouns expressing you. The vosotros vosotras form is used primarily in Spain to address more than one friend, rela- tive, child, or pet — the informal, plural form of you. You use vosotros when speaking to a group of males or to a combined group of males and females.
Do you understand me? You are very nice. He plays the guitar while she dances. Ellos versus ellas Ellos they refers to more than one male or to a combined group of males and females, no matter the number of each gender present. Ellas refers to a group of females only: Juan y Jorge Ellos escuchan.
Juan and Jorge [They] listen. Luz y Susana Ellas escuchan. Luz and Susana [They] listen. Juan and Luz [They] listen. The boy and 1, girls [They] listen. Nosotros refers to more than one male or to a com- bined group of males and females, no matter the number of each gender present.
Acrobat is just letting you know that you've asked it to do what cannot be done. So, maybe if you change the keyboard mapping from English to French if the OS supports then you can use the tool that lets you do minor edits to text to select and change characters to the French character.
David, I understand the concept you are describing but I'm not sure how to execute it. Could you help explain? Re: remapping the keyboard - Some informative resources:.
Lots of fun symbols among the ALT Codes? I hope you are not angry at the piece I wrote about you on the " voting post " Lo siento en avanza. I thought it was good. I helped with several of your little boo boos. My problem with dropping down to use the ones they have in the question box, is when I need a capital letter. Great info! Thanks for all! Its too dificult for me. Good info thanks , are you a native Spanish speaker? SpanishDict is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website.